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Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

ih waw

ih waw, ga nyangka dia kayak gitu lagi...
ih waw, sumpah gue kesel banget...
ih waw, kenapa sih harus kayak gini...
ih waw, ya ampun, speechless gue...

sumpah gue ga nyangka. apapun yang terjadi minggu kemarin bagi gue terlihat sangat... ih waw... ga nyangka...

banyak kejadian yang (bagi gue) unexpected. ga terduga. semua terjadi gitu aja. ih waw...

for now, i'm just hoping they'll understand me as i understand them. i never wanted anything, i just wanna make them understand and believe. and for him, it's all my fault. i'm just hoping he wanna realize.

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